Weight Loss Surgery
Obesity is fast becoming one of the top dieases of the modern age. With weight loss surgery, not only can patients get back to their normal weight, but also the prevalence of diseases related to obesity is reduced; that’s why weight loss surgery plays a crucial role for treatment of obesity.
Body Contouring After Weight Loss
Who is a Candidate for Weight Loss Surgery?
Eating and drinking habits of patients, diabetes and life style and the status of other health disorders have to be evaluated. Patients between 18 and 60 years of age can undergo this surgery. There are several conditions for patients to undergo this surgery, which are as per the following:
Patients with BMI > 40 kg/m2
Patients with BMI > 35 kg/m2 and with at least one health problem caused by obesity
Patients with BMI 30 – 34.9 kg/m2 and type 2 diabetes not controllable by medical treatment
Suffering from an incurable obesity for at least 5 years.
No change in the course of the disease as a result of drug treatment and dieting.
Not suffering from endocrine diseases.
Not suffering from alcohol or drug addiction.
Complete perception and adaptability and being coordinative with obesity team in the post-operative period.
Not having a condition that prevents the surgery.
Which Weight Loss Surgery is Better?
Not every surgical method can be used for each patient. Based on the patient’s health characteristics the ideal type of surgery should be determined. For example, performing sleeve gastrectomy on a patient with gastro-esophageal reflux may result in an increase in the symptoms associated with reflux. These patients are recommended methods other than sleeve gastrectomy. The success of bypass methods in the control of diabetes is more prominent compared to sleeve gastrectomy. The patient’s age, dietary habits and the severity of diabetes or sleep apnea are very effective in determining the type of surgery.
The aftermath of serious weight loss can be surprisingly frustrating for many people. Despite the happiness of shedding excess pounds, sagging skin can make the body appear misshapen and irregular. Especially when a person loses 100 or more pounds after weight-loss surgery, sagging skin may hang around the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, breasts, upper arms, face and neck. A solution is found in body contouring surgery after weight loss. Exercise does not correct skin sagging. To help these patients achieve the complete transformation they desire, surgeons perform body contouring surgeries such as lower body lift, thigh lift, arm lift, breast lifts and augmentation, tummy tuck, and/or liposuction to create a more natural and slender silhouette.